Duluth Sky Harbor  KDYT
                                                     Where the people make a difference!


Duluth Aviation Institute
preserving yesterday, inspiring today, exploring tomorrow

The Duluth Aviation Institute is dedicated to preserving our regional aviation heritage, inspiring a new generation with a
K-12 aviation, math, and science education program, and to exploring the future potential of our community and the regional aviation industry. 


Duluth Aviation Highlights

Winter 1913 
Duluth One, Rosto Monoplane
Oliver Rosto - First Duluth Aircraft Designer and Pilot

Summer 1913
Lark of Duluth, Benoist Flying Boat
World's First Airliner

1913 - 2000
Robert Gilruth
Father of Human Space Flight
Duluth Central High School Class of 1931

Currently located at Sky Harbor Airport, groups interested in an aviation experience can contact Sandra Ettestad at
hangar10@duluthaviationinstitute.org .






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